
Having their daily work done, the Palatinates like to sit together cozily, telling stories and anecdotes at their regulars’ table. While doing so, they drink their beloved spritzer (a mixture of a lot of wine and a little sparkling water) from a Dubbeglass. The Palatine Dubbeglass is a special drinking glass for spritzer with a capacity of 0.5 liters, with embedded dots (Palatine: Dubbe) to ensure a better grip. Usually, always the same characters gather at the table, with their good or slightly less good characteristics.



During the game, the players assume the different roles  by winning tricks. As, on the one hand, the different characters are associated with positive or negative points, trump or the special feature, and, on the other hand, the value of the characters increase both in positive and negative ways, the players face the decision at what time exactly they want to take a trick. The exciting question as to who will have gained the most Dubbe (= points) remains until the end of the game, when the players will see who is the greatest braggert (Aagewwer), moanbag (Jammerlabbe) or soldier of fortune (Gliggsridder).




English rules
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